rtsp 0x0000replaced RTP missed 2271 packets rtsp 0x0000replaced max delay reached need to consume packet rtsp 0x0000replaced RTP missed 7 packets vost00mpeg4 0xaaaaf0faae20 More than 1000 frames duplicated rtsp 0x0000replaced max delay reached need to consume packette30095kbitss dup1297 drop0 speed105x
udp RTP Packet maximum size Stack Overflow
It is possible that the maximum size of the RTP packet is the same as the UDP payload maximum size I mean that i have only a RTP packet with a huge payload Is this possible and in this case there is any recommended size for the RTP packet for not doing this For example im encapsulating MP3 frames in RTP
The Realtime Transport Protocol RTP is a network protocol for delivering audio and video over IP networksRTP is used in communication and entertainment systems that involve streaming media such as telephony video teleconference applications including WebRTC television services and webbased pushtotalk features RTP typically runs over User Datagram Protocol UDP
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PowerMax Edited update rtp rtsp and rtmp are fairly standard communication protocols for video streaming devices Just like ftp and smb are protocols for accessing filesystems over a network A standard web browser is really primarily designed for http or https services In my case Firefox provides a popup notification to
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The Realtime Transport Protocol RTP specifies a generalpurpose data format and network protocol for transmitting digital media streams on Internet Protocol IP networks The details of media encoding such as signal sampling rate frame size and timing are specified in an RTP payload formatThe format parameters of the RTP payload are typically communicated between transmission endpoints